Your Self-Love Languages🤎

What exactly are Self-Love Languages?

The self-love language acts of service is all about taking practical steps to make your life run more smoothly.

Love Languages are broken up into five categories: 

-Physical Touch
-Words of Affirmation
-Acts of Service
-Receiving Gifts
-Quality Time

Examples of Self-love:

  • Talking to and about yourself with love.
  • Prioritizing yourself.
  • Giving yourself a break from self-judgement.
  • Trusting yourself.
  • Being true to yourself.
  • Being nice to yourself.
  • Setting healthy boundaries.
  • Forgiving yourself when you aren't being true or nice to yourself.

    Why is it different from Self-care?

    To define self-care, it’s basically the act of taking care of yourself physically and mentally. It’s a way to make sure you’re getting the time you need to feel at peace.

    Self-love, on the other hand, is about cultivating gratitude and acceptance toward yourself, physically and emotionally. Practicing self-love can look like talking to yourself positively, or dumping a no-good significant other. Self-love means loving yourself unapologetically, whereas self-care is about taking the time to feel good in your skin. Both are besties.🤎

    And yes, you need both.


    Now that we know the tea on self-love languages...two important questions follow...

    How do you show love, to you?

    What can you improve upon?

    Be well.🤎



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